Photo: Dorothee Elfring
Stephan Herwig ist keiner, dessen Kunst laut schreit oder voller Pop-Appeal um Zugänglichkeit buhlt.
Genau diese Ruhe aber, mit der er seit 2006 durchgehend Stücke produziert und seine eigene Ästhetik weiterentwickelt, setzt ein wohltuendes und nötiges Zeichen, in einer Welt, in der derzeit an allen Ecken eher zu laut geschrien wird. Auszug aus der Jurybegründung zur Vergabe des Förderpreises für Tanz 2018 der Stadt München an Stephan Herwig. |
Stephan Herwig is not someone whose art screams or vies for accessibility with pop appeal. But it is precisely this calmness – with which he has been producing pieces consistently since 2006 while developing his own aesthetics – that sets a relieving and necessary sign in a world in which there is currently too much screaming going on from all sides.
Excerpt from the jury judgement on the awarding of the Förderpreises für Tanz 2018 of the city of Munich to Stephan Herwig. |
BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES 15 full-length pieces since 2006: Les Préludes | The Lovers I In Feldern | Rhythm & Silence | Schweifen| Monument| Unleashed | Editorial Bareback | In This Very Moment | Throwing Myself In Front Of You | Somewhere | Calabi-Yau | Rebirth | Alien | the sanctuary project supported by the Bureau of Cultural Affairs of the State Capital City of Munich, and partly by the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT) with funding from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art. Festivals Interplay, Torino | Schleudertraum, Regensburg | Rodeo, Munich | Tanzwerkstatt Europa, Munich | Xtra-Frei, Bremen & Hannover International Venues & Residencies EinTanzHaus, Mannheim TROIS C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique, Luxembourg plattformPLUS, São Paulo Le Pacifique - Centre de Développement Chorégraphique, Grenoble Mosaico Danza, Torino Archauz Theater, Åarhus Tanzhaus Zürich Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich schwere reiter, Munich Dancer continuous member of the company of Micha Purucker (Munich) for several years. Cindy van Acker, Romeo Castellucci, Simone Forti, Sabine Glenz, Barbara Hammann, Amir Hosseinpour, Jessica Iwanson, Mia Lawrence, Xavier Le Roy, Felix Ruckert, Tino Sehgal, Mårten Spångberg, and others. Teacher at several schools in Munich, national and international workshops. Currantly teaching at Tanzprojekt München. Awards 2018 „Förderpreis Tanz“ by the dance jury of the State Capital City of Munich. 2019 – 2021 „Optionsförderung“ by the State Capital City of Munich. Stephan Herwig is a member of the choreographers’ association Tanztendenz München e.V. since 2009, and board member from 2011 to 2015; since then part of their organization team for several projects such as: choreographers’ ateliers, talkrounds, professional trainings, open studios and others. This website is supported by KreativTransfer, with funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media. |
Photo: Armin Smailovic